
Welcome to my blog.  I am a traveler and photographer. I hope you enjoy your voyage with me.



  • I have found one of my favorite sayings to be true in life and relationships as well as travel. I turn to it often as time bumps along: "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened". It has been attributed to Dr. Seuss and to Eleanor Roosevelt so I have no idea who said it. But it is a helpful thought to get through some difficult times.

  • Whenever I make an assumption about someone I am wrong 99.9% of the time. Does that happen to everyone? If so, why do I and everyone else keep doing it.

  • The whole world seems to be acting crazy, more than usual at least. It seems the only respite is in friends, family and the times shared with them. All of us want to feel wanted, loved and valued. The whole fractured world can share that sentiment. The similarities are much greater than the differences.

  • Full disclosure: I love Geico commercials. 🤨

  • Covid has affected me more than I could have imagined. I have not had the virus, but I’ve experienced its effects. My brain has grown a little stale, my interests have waned, some friends seem like a distant memory. I know, it’s my own fault, I haven’t made enough of an effort. But that’s the point. Covid encouraged me to step back and let things happen instead of taking charge of my circumstance. I’m on my way back though!!!!

